“This is not just an argument, it is an instruction manual for ripping through the corruption and complacency that will destroy our planet.”
– Paul Mason, author – Clear, Bright Future: A Radical Defense of the Human Being
“Brilliant: wise, profound and persuasive. If you want to understand Extinction Rebellion, or how to change the world, read it.”
– George Monbiot, columnist at The Guardian, author and activist.
Common Sense for the 21st Century
This book outlines how environmental and climate movements around the world need to come together in order to avert extinction of all life. It details using nonviolent civil disobedience (NVDA) as well as other strategies and tactics to make real change happen.
“This isn’t just a theory, it’s a call to action and details the practicalities which I hope will lead to real change. The political class alone is not going to save us from extinction. Only a new common sense and a genuine rebellion can save us now. “
The message is clear: we will only be saved by ordinary people breaking the law. This booklet gives people the tools to understand not only why mass disruption, mass arrests, mass sacrifice are necessary but also details how to carry out acts of civil disobedience effectively, respectfully and nonviolently.
In his writing, Hallam bypasses contemporary political theory, inspired instead by the pragmatic 18th-century revolutionary, Thomas Paine, whose pamphlet ‘Common Sense’ sparked the American revolution. Hallam’s booklet is “Common Sense for the 21st Century”, urging us to confront the truth about climate change. Hallam explains why only a revolution of society and the state, similar to the direction Paine urged Americans to take into the political unknown, can save us now.
Intro from Roger
When Extinction Rebellion made the ‘Declaration of Rebellion’ in October 2018 it inspired thousands of people to break the law and sit down on the bridges in London in November. Since then Extinction Rebellion and FridaysForFuture have grown exponentially, along with the reach of Nobel peace prize nominated Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough‘s strong messages to the world.
I write this on April 15th, 2019. The first day of the April Rebellion where thousands are either breaking the law by sitting down in the roads of London, or are joining the campaign around the world. They have decided that it’s a better option than waiting for major ecological collapse and climate change to make all life extinct.
I strongly believe in the tactics and strategies I describe which are currently being ignored by many environmental campaign groups. I invite them all to read my work and get in touch.
Additionally, I outline the concept of Citizens’ Assemblies and a new transition movement to inspire people to get started to make the necessary changes happen now, before governments act. I conclude that the “cost of freedom is civic duty”.
“Is Common Sense for the 21st Century the best hope we’ve got to prevent human extinction? Yes, I think it is.”
– Dr Alexandra Jellicoe, environmental engineer and scientist, “Monkey Wrench”
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- Hive – ethical retailer, commission from every sales goes back to all bookshops within the Hive network
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- Chiarelettere – Translated into Italian and available in Italy
- Chelsea Green – North America (please contact Chelsea Green with interests in translations and publishing)
Bulk copies available direct from UK distributor Turnaround Publisher Services orders@turnaround-uk.com tel 0208 829 3000.
Common Sense For the 21st Century is available from all good bookshops, bricks and mortar and good online resellers.
Order to build the Rebellion awareness!
Publication date 26.9.2019 – ISBN 9781527246744

50 Articles The Media Wouldn't Publish
Collected for the first time, 50 Articles The Media Wouldn’t Publish is Roger Hallam’s firebrand manifesto for those who refuse to look away; a relentless, unfiltered analyses of the climate crisis, civil resistance, and the collapse of our political systems.
These are the articles corporate media refused to publish—because they expose the lies of governments, the failures of politics, and the raw truth about what it takes to win.
Addressing a wide range of issues; the Prison, Civil Disobedience, the Spiritual, Conservatives, the Left, Science, and Revolution, Roger’s prophetic commentary displays an uncanny ability to engage in “one step ahead” ways of thinking. He first tells the Truth, then explains the course of necessary activism. While mainstream pundits wring their hands about whether the Earth will reach 1.5C versus 2.0C by 2030, Roger
focuses on the threat of fascism, the need for revolution and citizen assemblies, while also stressing the importance of the spiritual and love.
He lays out the case for radical nonviolent revolution with the clarity and urgency that have made him one of the most important and controversial voices in modern activism. Whether you're an organizer, a concerned citizen, or simply searching for answers in an age of ecological and political breakdown, this book will challenge you, move you, and
demand that you act.
Read it now—before it’s too late.
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