Calling all frontline activists, movement and community organisers, and people who believe a better world is possible. We’re gathering on JUNE 22 & 23, 2024 to start planning “What’s next”.
We all know it's coming, the collapse of the neo-liberal regimes is inevitable: the sixth mass extinction is underway, climate catastrophes occur regularly, and capitalism is destroying itself with “business as usual”. The all-important question of our time is – What’s next?
This online conference is making a start. Together we’ll explore:
• Where are we at in the world at the moment?
• What might a truly non-violent, democratic revolution look like?
• What is the plan for the new world?
The focus is on praxis, joining theory and practice – How we actually get stuff done. Speakers and panels will provide information and context for audience breakouts, where small groups will discuss what they've heard and come back to sessions with questions and suggestions for action.
The revolutionary change we need calls for a new global movement established outside the collapsing system, ready, willing and able to build a new democracy.
Revolution in the 21st Century is about building communities and forming collaborative networks for meeting not only common needs, but those of the environment and future generations as well.
Please join us and share this invitation widely.
To see conference details and RSVP, please visit
See you at the conference!