šŸŒ€ This Storm Is Not Survivable

We need an Emergency US mobilisation to stop the madness.

šŸŒ€ This Storm Is Not Survivable

Organised life in the USA will not be possible unless the rich are taxed to pay for stopping carbon emissions. Whether this happens or not will be the biggest thing in your life ā€“ for every life ā€“ forever. It's big, and it's going to get a lot, lot bigger.

Come to the national US Zoom meet-up on Sunday ( 1pm New York, 10am Los Angeles), and hear how to stop the madness.

We will hear from a selection of speakers and have state breakout groups to discuss action and organisation. For non-Americans, please share this Zoom link with any of your US contacts.

Next Monthly Talk Coming Up Oct 20th

Transcendence or Extinction

If you want to know what I have been up to in prison, then come to my next "Free As A Bird" strategy talk on Oct 20.

What have I been reading? Obscure twentieth-century Catholic theologians and even more obscure Zen Buddhist scholars, all in search of the same perennial truth: we won't survive whatā€™s coming, let alone stop it, without a serious dose of transcendence. It takes different cultural forms, but they all help us detach from our egos and move toward the sublime plane of loveā€”without attachment to outcomes. If you think thatā€™s not the biggest threat to the empire driving us off the edge, you havenā€™t seen anything yet (and should probably brush up on history).

Join the monthly discussion to help find your way into resistance and out of the prisons of perception.

I would love for as many of the 3,000 of you on our list to come alongā€”this is a big moment to deepen our resilience in our work. It's time to get the job done: a revolutionary change in government, economy, and cultureā€”a new way of seeing.

Don't think for one moment that 3,000 people cannot change the world. But first, you have to show upā€”and bring a friend. It's an hour and a half of your life. Totally worth it. See you then.

šŸ“† Date: Oct 20th
šŸ• Time: 6pm UK, 7pm Central EU, 1pm New York, 10am Los Angeles
šŸ“ Location: Zoom (Global Meeting with National Breakout Groups)

A real revolution brings together inner resilience with an outer commitment to social transformationā€”the inner and outer work are two sides of the same coin. They need each other. This is what Revolution in the 21st Century means if it is not only to replicate the same old stories.

So, my being in prison is not a moment to pause, feel down, or indulge in comforting self-pity. It is time to double down on the plan. We have a world to change; we must have the ultimate ambition or settle for no ambition. We must start tomorrow, work out the next week, and build from there. We need to work together in teamsā€”we are not alone; we exist for each other. Want to find out more? Listen to my new Podcast, The Spirit of Revolution.

Listen on Spotify, Apple, Soundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts. We've worked to improve the prison phone sound quality and each episode will come with a newsletter transcript and video version on Youtube for reading along.

Burn the Planet and Lock Up the Dissidents

Chris Hedges, the Pulitizer Prize winning journalist, came to the UK to meet Roger in Prison. Here he delivers a blistering expose on the fossil fuel industry and the ruthless political class driving us toward climate catastrophe. As the planet burns and climate disasters become more deadly, resistors are being imprisoned for daring to resist. Hedges takes us inside Hallam's prison, where the real fight for survivalā€”both personal and planetaryā€”is happening. He reveals the shocking levels of government complicity, environmental destruction, and the brutal crackdown on climate dissidents. This is a must see for anyone ready to face the grim truth and fight back.

Burn the Planet and Lock Up the Dissidents
The fossil fuel industry, and the politician class they own, have no intention of halting the ecocide. As the climate crisis worsens, so do the laws and security measures to keep us in bondage.

Chris' Talk in The UK after Visiting Roger

Hi, Robin here. I'm Roger's right hand man and co-director of Revolution in the 21st Century (Rev21). If you'd like to help our small support team, we'd love your help. With collapse on its way, we need to prepare for a democratic and nonviolent revolution that will keep fascism at bay. To do that, we need revolutionaries. 

Come along for a briefing on Sunday 13th Oct at 8am UK Time ( An early one for me to help meet more Australians and Kiwis, 5pm and 8pm respectively in those Time Zones)

Don't have the hours to volunteer? Please donate to help us keep running (prison phone calls and video editting are expensive!)

As always, you can sign up for nonviolent civil resistance with Just Stop Oil in the UK or via the A22 Network internationally. 

The Climate Situation is F*cked

Help me to get on with the job of sorting it out.
